Steering Committee Meetings
Approval of old minutes, this meeting is a replacement for the meeting that was scheduled for November 14, 2021 – November meeting did not happen. All approved
2. Financial Reports
a. Costs for renewals for Zoom and Google for CP paid
b. $3005 sent to BPW in February because there is a PayPal fee
c. Barbara & Mark – Discussion of attendance at online and f2f meetings and collection. Joanne proposed a meeting in 2 months as things settle down or shift with attendance and budget likely change.
3. Old Business
4. New Business
Need to change CP mailing address to a PO Box - Mark agreed to get PO Box
Discussion of the 2nd anniversary meeting and sharing the history at the last speaker meeting in order to celebrate the 3/16/20.
Discussion on the continuation of CP as well whether the volunteering would increase if hosting duties were simplified (no sharing of documents, flexible scheduling).
d. CP has no end date in mind- it was started with the same intent as any other meeting and will continue as long as people attend
e. Filing of 990-N
How do we define majority?
Motion: Move that the steering committee defines what constitutes a majority
4 Approve
0 No
1 Abstention
Motion: Define a majority as the majority of votes cast
5 Approve
0 No
0 Abstention
We will mention the voting rules at the beginning of the group conscience
How often does the steering committee meet?
Motion: We should meet Quarterly
5 Approve
0 No
0 Abstention
Decided: Steering Committee will meet the 2nd Saturday of the second month of the quarter @ 9am
Next Meeting November 14, 2021 @9am
January 9th, 2021 @7am
- Meeting Agenda
Articles of incorporation
How do we want to organize - roles and responsibilities
Board of directors - is this the same as the steering committee?
Board of directors and steering committee are separate but people on the board are on the steering committee
Feb 28 Election For additional 4 members of steering committee, 10 am
Election via google forms:
Carol Ann will get create the form, form election
Requirement for service: 1 year of sobriety
Total members on steering committee
9 Total members
Board is chosen by the steering committee.
Quorum for meetings: 3
Steering Committee, no term limits
1 year term
Number of members:4
Board of directors (also on the steering committee), no term limits
1 Year term
2 year term
Carol Ann
Number of members:5
Officers -
Currently per submitted forms (state/fed): president - Carol Ann, Secretary/Treasurer - Mark
Decision: Leave articles of incorporation as is, and create bylaws
Place of Business - Carol Ann's Address
Registered Agent - Mark's Address
Bylaws Draft: Here, review, Update, Post (who needs to approve? group conscience?)
Treasury report
Yearly - Here
December - 2020: Here